Embodiment is a deep settling into your intrinsic knowing, your sovereign self. It is a courageous act of standing in the naked heart of your truths & welcoming them all. Of moving toward a collaborative, creative experience of your present life as you vision & move toward a desired future.

Creativity, culture, belonging, human development, ceremony…

I am not one for small talk. My inclination is to delve deeper. To allow myself to feel, to see, to touch, to taste, to inhale all that is alive around me. And I invite others to do the same. I draw from my performative toolbox, my love of language & lineage of storytellers to explore the truths of who we are.



    Experience an intimate, intuitive & emergent approach to coaching. In person, outside, online, we discover the ideal space where you can show up exactly as you are & unpack the load you carry. Together we unpack & ask the questions: where did this come from; where am i headed now & does this still serve me; and, what is missing for the journey ahead? The option for 1 on 1 tabletop constellation work helps us access the unseen patterns & invite your intuitive muscle to flex and inspire new perspectives.


    Monique has been a guest speaker & facilitated groups on the creative process, reconciliation, belonging, embodiment, decolonizing the arts, flamenco, culture and the art of living and loving in service. A masterful storyteller with a love for crafting unique workshop experiences/processes, Monique draws from a rich tool belt: life skills coaching, dance, applied theatre, healing through art (dance, writing, voice), ecosomatics, meditation and systemic traumatology through Systemic Constellation Work grounded in an ancient Bruja lineage.

    Systemic Family Constellations


    The body moon

  • W.I.L.D

    W.elcome I.gnite L.ove D.ance

    Stay tuned…in Spring 2024 the dance returns. Feel the rhythm rise within, and let yourself be immersed in a embodied sonic journey, silent DJ-style. These seasonal events are hosted in outdoor mystical spaces around Victoria. Includes rental of personal headphones and a facilitated invitation into your own intrinsic movement. Join my mailing list to be informed of our next W.I.L.D event.

  • The Body Moon

    cyclical embodied ceremony

    Join the moon sisterhood & harness each full moons unique medicine. We invoke, write, mark make, share, open our bodies, and dance. Awwroooo!

Upcoming events

What’s brewing in the coming season? Mark your calendar and join my mailing list for custom invitations.


I have found Monique brings peace in her healing. Calm, open, warm & inviting. Meeting & connecting in the unique maps of people’s realities is a great strength in Monique’s intuitive abilities in healing. I have worked through many forms of western medicine (prescriptions & therapy) which have helped me immensely, but now I am at a stage where I long for healing, beyond that of problem solving. Interestingly, as I soon as I had made this a personal intention, Monique appeared & we began our work together.

I recommend Monique for those who are ready to heal.”

female, fiery nurturer, research scientist